Saturday, October 22, 2011

Interview with Jeff Henry - My 15 minutes of Fame

Jeff is currently the managing partner of What’s Next Strategic Innovation. Prior to his current focus, he spent 20 years in senior executive roles with Time Warner Cable where he served most recently as The Regional Vice President for Te with responsibility for more than 2.2m customers and $2.5b in annual revenues.

Today, he offers his services to businesses of all sizes as a CMO consultant. This allows companies with modest funds to have a top-notch executive working on their team.

Listen to his interview on

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Let's start a national campaign to promote hiring!

Let's start a national campaign to promote jobs. The best QE3 would be getting out of the way and encouraging private sector companies to hire. What about a national program (media psa's)to show companies the benefits of hiring ie more people with money to buy your products! In essence, companies have been shorting jobs, now is the time to go long. Allow companies to use cash reserves for hiring and provide beneficial treatments (TBD?). Let's challenge corporate America.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Etrade Baby Losing Everything!

Explains why the market is so Volatile. Let's see, sell your stocks that are earning 7.8% dividends and hoard cash that pays 0.25%. Makes sense to me?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Are you kidding me! watch it and pass it along. We need your help! Straight talk about our current government. Need to get the viewership to over 5 million. Let's get something done.

Friday, July 15, 2011

One of the best I have seen!

Most innovative way to promote a new product. You will like this:

Great video about Steven Johnson’s book Where Good Ideas Come From:

The Natural History of Innovation. I’ve always felt there there is value in connecting with other traders. With the right mix of people, trading in a group setting increases innovation and trader profitability.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Some Historical Perspective on the US Economy

The reason our economy grew in the 50's and 60's is because production world wide (except in the USA) was destroyed in WWII. To rebuild everybody needed to buy from US. In spite of high taxes we grew. Times are much different today.

How to grow jobs in America

I heard a good one today, for every year that unemployment doesn't go down or doesn't stay below a certain level (let's pick 5%) every one coming up for election in the congress or senate would not be eligible for reelection! Would that solve our jobs and economic problems....You bet it would! - Warren Buffett

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

This is the best overview I have read as to what the real picture is on our current economic environment:

What U.S. Economic Recovery? Five Destructive Myths,8599,2076568,00.html "There may be $2 trillion sitting on the balance sheets of American corporations globally, but firms show no signs of wanting to spend it in order to hire workers at home, however much Washington might hope they will. Meanwhile, the average American is feeling poorer by the week." Until this get's fixed, nothing will really improve since the chicken won't lay the egg and the egg won't hatch the chicken. My plea is that both Business Leaders and Washington come together and show some leadership - who is the adult in the room? Please carry this message and tell whoever will listen.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Interview with Jeff Henry


Up till now, what has been your professional career path?

Innovation, Business, Revenue and Growth Challenges for CEO’s. Building Competitive Advantage, Product Development, Placement, Assessments, Introducing Companies to Opportunities, Modeling, Business Audits, Sales Marketing, Advanced Advertising - Sales Channel Development - Thought Leadership

Jeff is currently the managing partner of What's Next Strategic Innovation. Prior to his current focus, he spent 20 years in senior executive roles with Time Warner Cable where he served most recently as The Regional Vice President for Texas with responsibility for more than 2.2m customers and $2.5b in annual revenues. He led product and competitive strategy for Time Warner Cable and has successful first hand experience with FiOS, U-verse, DirecTV and DishNetwork. While serving on the front lines in competition with the BOCs, worked on Interactive Television, Video OnDemand, SpeedZones, DVR, StartOver, Connected Home and Wireless

Cable TV, Digital Video, High Speed Internet, Digital Voice, Wireless, Platforms, Connected Home, BSS/OSS Support, Technology, Consumer Products

Please list web addresses where one can see something about you.

What is your stance as a marketing professional? What are you good at? What differentiates you from others?

I have significant experience with creating new products from concept to cashflow. Building Competitive Advantage and Strategic Innovation. Subscription Services and Consumer Switching Behavior. Strategic Innovation Consulting and New Product Development Strategy. Management Advisory / Project Management / Business Intelligence / Concept to Cashflow / Subscription Services / Sales Channel Development
Global Client Base

A marketing strategy begins with an idea. How are yours born?

I always start with the customer to determine 1st 1) Level of awareness. 2) Level of Demand 3) Sales and Sales Channel Assessment. I believe in the concept of building a "Superior Value Proposition" and the only way you can determine that is to start with your customers.

In which market, products or services, are you currently working?

Cable TV, Digital Video, High Speed Internet, Digital Voice, Wireless, Platforms, Connected Home, BSS/OSS Support, Technology, Consumer Products

Did this product exist ten years ago? And the brand?

Yes these products existed in some form 10 years ago. Digital Cable, Digital Phone and Cable Modem Internet Services. Time Warner

What is the consumer or user like that you have to win over?

Usually it is a consumer that has a lack of awareness for your product or service. There are also potentially large groups of consumers that have misconceptions about your company or products. The easiest tends to be in competitive situations where the objective is to drive switching to your brand.

What is the key to gaining consumer fidelity?

It always starts with providing a superior value proposition and engagement with customers. Building trust and a customer experience where they will recommend you to their friends. Longer term loyalty however always comes from developing unique and superior product attributes that customers perceive are meaningful and compelling.

How do you determine what consumers think and feel? Is something more than qualitative research necessary?

Markets are conversations. One needs to stimulate conversations in many forms. One of the simplest forms is asking a the basic question, "Will you recommend our company or product to a friend"? 99% of everything you need to know starts with this simple question and the answer to why or why not.

What type of communication are you utilizing?

All forms> both traditional and digital (online / internet / mobile). I have a white paper here that goes further into depth

Who/what is your competition?

Anyone in the marketing and consulting field. Companies like and

What differentiates your product/service from the competition?

I have more than 20+ years of practical experience with taking product concepts to cashflow with superior results. See See my resume

How do you value the results obtained up to now?

I always go back to cashflow growth. If cashflow isn't growing then your strategy is not successful.

What is a better way to communicate your product: emotional or rational?

It depends on what you are trying to communicate about your product. However, consumers typically purchase based on how a product or concepts makes them "Feel" so emotional is the key here.

What's your answer to the typical question: does marketing create nonexistent needs?

Marketing is a facilitator, it cannot create nonexistent needs. However, it can leverage basic human emotional needs and instincts.

In times of crisis sales of generic store brands rise. What should premium brands do or not do when faced with this?

Premium brands need to continually add value and differentiate themselves from generics. Especially in time of crisis, consumers need to feel good about themselves. However, many brands really don't understand why consumers choose them vs the alternatives. And, one of the alternatives is buying nothing. Strategic marketing needs to increase during time of crisis. For example are their multicultural segments that can be developed?

Can you cite brands or well-known products that you admire for marketing brilliance?

There are the easy ones like apple. But one that jumps to mind was a Eugene Oregon car dealership that ran the same simple talking head television spot for almost 15 years. Honest, simple, dealership you can trust before and after the sale. And they were fanatical about their relationship with their customers and brand perceptions. Financially driven companies tend to get greedy and take advantage of their customers and lose the "will you recommend us to a friend" approach. If people won't recommend you to their friends, then they are telling them not to buy from you and your products.

The consumer is king: have advertisers realized this yet?

I think advertisers have realized that, however their chief financial officers probably have not. That is the biggest problem business face today is allowing their marketing and products (value proposition) to be driven by their financial officers. Knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing creates companies that go out of business. Humans are intangible and socially driven.

Are we heading towards more individualized marketing and advertising?

Of course the answer of this depends on whether or not your product is broadly consumed or niche. Online and Digital marketing gives us tools that allow us to speak to customers individually and that is one of the basic premises of building a positive net promoter score. Does your company relate to you as an individual? Even mass consumed products today can relate to customers today as individuals by using online and digital tools.

What percentage of your marketing budget is invested in digital advertising and why?

I look at the target customer and how to best engage with them. In certain cases my entire plan will be in digital advertising. This also depends on the size of your budget. I always start with Digital and then move to traditional. But you really need to start with your target customers before answering this question. What's important is how can you stand out amongst the crowd?

What is the most surprising thing you have learned about digital marketing in the last few years?

I think the most surprising thing is how little most traditional business know about it. Most people don't have a clue about how it can help their business. Read the Cluetrain Manifesto (...)

A few years ago, it was said that online sales would end up killing traditional store sales, but that has not been the case: how can you explain this?

People want to be able to browse, touch, feel and be in a social environment. Why does Apple have stores? They also want a place to go for service and support. Most traditional retailers don't understand that and online ones aren't much better.

How do you evaluate the potential of social networks for marketing on-line? Do you really think there is a new 2.0 marketing paradigm?

No, I don't think there is a new paradigm. I just think there are new tools available to accomplish the same objective that we have in the past. Read the Cluetrain Manifesto (...)

What industry or market segment do you find attractive for devoting yourself to in the coming years?

I came from the cable and telecommunications industry and still think it is a very interesting space. Solar energy has great potential to develop and become "productized". There is more opportunity today then ever before. Clearly serving baby boomers and gen y because of their massive numbers. Multicultural is emerging as well. Providing digital marketing consulting is broad as well.

Be a prophet. What phenomenon will revolutionize marketing in the next few years?

Marketing will not be revolutionary, it will be evolutionary. There will be a gradual movement towards creating further engagement digitally. Probably the biggest key to that will be smart connectivity of the television and embedding interactivity into the content. Virtual reality might be one area that really takes hold in a world of mass interconnection and smart devices where viewers / participants actually become part of the content. View SecondLife

Are you part of any professional networking sites? Has it served its purpose for you?

I use linkedin. People are not utilizing it's ability to create virtual teams and really drive business and commerce.

How do you do your own personal branding? What do you recommend other professionals do to position themselves in the job market?

I have written a white paper on this subject go here

© Jeff Henry
Web address for this interview:

Does this sound like your Digital Agency or the Consultants you just hired? Hardly Working: Start-up Guys

Does this sound like your Digital Agency or the Consultants you just hired? Hardly Working: Start-up Guys

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Vice chairman of product development Bob Lutz diagnoses the sickness at the heart of American business: data-driven cost optimization.

I know some cable guys that could take a lesson from this article. Guess who I am talking about? Just replace "Car Guys" with "Cable Guys" in the title of his new book. Car Guys Versus Bean Counters: The Battle for the Soul of American Business, by Bob Lutz, the former vice chairman of global product development for GM.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

CenturyLink To Buy Cloud Provider Savvis For $2.5 Billion

Considering the benefits of cloud computing, owning the network ads considerable leverage and potential cashflow margins. This should put standalone cloud companies at a disadvantage overtime? What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Now for the fun part: Calculate exactly where your IRS Tax bill goes.

Now for the fun part: Calculate exactly where your IRS Tax bill goes. Federal Tax Receipt Calculator

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Product Development: Key Considerations in Market Research

The introduction of new products into the market - whether new-to-the-world innovations or product line extensions - can be a process shadowed by great
uncertainty. This article explains how market research can support the development
of a new product by putting the product innovation managers in touch
with consumers’ needs and wants. Each stage in the new product development
(NPD) process – from ideation through the market launch – is explained with
recommended market research methods per each step. Download the white paper>

Special Markets: Seniors.

Special Markets: Seniors. The increasing median age of consumers in the U.S. is an often- discussed and frequently documented trend. The marketing-related implications of this change in the age profile of U.S. consumers will be significant and widespread. Download the whitepaper>

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The World's Most Innovative Companies 2011

Why is your company missing from this list? What's Next for You?

Today's business landscape is littered with heritage companies whose CEOs battle their industry's broken model with inertia, layoffs, lawsuits -- anything that squeezes pennies and delays the inevitable. How many of these companies will be dominant in 2025? Few.

That world will be ruled by the kinds of companies on this list. They're nondogmatic, willing to scrap conventional ideas. (A mere 30-second TV ad? Let's do 200 online videos in two days, say the creatives at Wieden+Kennedy.) They're willing to fail. (Google's search team runs up to 200 experiments at any one time.) They know what they stand for. (By making home-viewing as easy as possible, Netflix walloped Blockbuster, which thought its business had something to do with stores.)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Does RackSpace have the horsepower to take it to the next level?

More than anything else, managers determine returns. They set strategy, hire key team members, oversee operations, and cash paychecks. Every move they make either enhances or destroys shareholder capital.

It pays to know who these men and women are, how they're paid, whether they, too, are owners, and how they perform versus competitors in certain key metrics. Learn More about the top and why is Bruce Knooihuizen, Chief Financial Officer Leaving? Que Paso?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Apple subscription service challenges publishers. Hello, is there anyone from a cable company out there?

Apple Inc is launching a long-awaited subscription service for magazines, newspapers, videos and music -- a move that could dent the fortunes of successful services such as Netflix and Hulu. Read The Whole Story

Monday, February 7, 2011

Check out whose face I just smushed or smashed in HomeAway's new commercial.

Check out whose face I just smushed or smashed in HomeAway's new commercial. It’s hilarious! #testbaby #SB45

Will Television Rot Your Brain?

Once your brains are reduced to a cottage cheese like mush....

How long does a new idea live in corporate America today?

How long does a new idea live in corporate America today? On average only 2.8 seconds! Why? You have heard it all before; that won't work, we can't do that, its been tried before, we don't have the budget and on and on! We need to stop killing the very process that creates innovation and value and the importance of disruptive innovation. Is your competition determining "What's Next" for you?

"In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned find themselves equipped to live in a world which no longer exists
We are all smart people, but do you know how to learn? And even more importantly can your organization or team learn as a unit? Peter Senge’s vision of a learning organization as a group of people who are continually enhancing their capabilities to create what they want to create has been deeply influential. He discusses the five disciplines he sees as central to learning organizations and some issues and questions concerning the theory and practice of learning organizations. The Learning Organization

Innovation is not optional in today's economy. Stagnation is now a grave threat to any company and career. What's Next for you?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Leverage The Power of your Social Media Brand

I am reminded of the joke about the fellow stuck on an island as the river rose. A rescue team threw him a rope and he refused to grab it because “God Saves”. The river rose and the rescue team sent a boat to him and he refused to get in because “God Saves”. The river rose and he climbed the flag pole and a helicopter came by to pick him up and he refused to get in because “God Saves”. He finally drowned and when he stood before God, he was miffed. “Why didn’t you save me?” he screamed out. God looked down and said “I sent you a rope, a boat and a helicopter. What more do you want?”

Read more:

Friday, January 21, 2011

The truth knocks on your door and you say, "Go away, I'm looking for the truth," and so it goes away."

The truth knocks on your door and you say, "Go away, I'm looking for the truth," and so it goes away."
~Robert Pirsig

Learn about Social Media Marketing. It will help your career and might also make you some money. Take a few minutes of your time, watch the videos and sign up (set up your login, etc.) and see how it works (It's all free).

TheCustomeradvantage opened in beta pre-launch mode in mid October 2010. Click on this link to learn more

If you have any questions ahead of time or just want to make sure this really came from me… contact me via email at

This is set up by invitation only so you will need an invitation id to access the site.
Click this link: Use this id (your invitation id): huge

There are several videos there and feel free to browse around the page. Keep mental note of your reaction and thoughts then let me know what you think. That will be a great help to me and you can learn about social media marketing as well. I really want to approach this properly before I promote this to others and it's rolled out nationally BTW, the site is still in beta but you will get the idea once you enroll and watch the videos. Start out by watching the "How It Works" video.

Thanks for your help and feedback and I look forward to your response.