Wednesday, December 16, 2009
New Over the Top (OTT) Video Study: Trender Research Predicts 7 Percent of Households Will “Cut the Cord” on Pay TV Subscriptions by 2012
Westford, MA, October 1, 2009 — Trender Research™ Inc. (, a consumer technology market research and consulting firm that combines expert analysis with the voice of everyday people, announced a new strategic analysis of the over the top (OTT) video industry and its impact on the Pay TV market. The report, entitled “Pay TV and the Growing Over the Top Video Threat”, analyzes the major trends of online video consumption and how they are changing the business models for cable, satellite, and IPTV service providers as well as the video rental market. The study provides a strategic analysis of major OTT players, looks at current and potential Pay TV responses to the OTT threat, and predicts likely winners and losers. The 80-page report also includes a model for estimating the percentage of households that will “cut the cord” from their Pay TV subscriptions based on limited, realistic, and aggressive adoption scenarios. Base on the realistic scenario, Trender Research predicts that 7 percent of households will forgo their Pay TV subscriptions by 2012 in favor of some combination of OTT services and free over-the-air broadcast television.
“Pay TV and the Growing Over the Top Video Threat” is authored by Principal Analyst Brian Mahony with contributions by Directing Analyst Patti Reali and Contributing Analyst Robert Clark. The study is based on interviews and questionnaires with over 40 companies or organizations and analysis of another 50 using public records. The report also includes feedback from a Trender Panel focus group of everyday consumers. The cost of the report is $2,499 for a department license and $3,999 for an enterprise license. For more info and to purchase email
WHDI Podcast: Can WHDI Become the Video Version of WiFi?
Friday, November 13, 2009
Roku Expands Affordable OTT Video Product Line with SD and HD-XR Models
All three have built in Wi-Fi (the Roku HD-XR adds 802.11n support) and stream content from partners Netflix (17,000 shows and movies), Amazon (45,000 titles), and MLB.TV (out-of-market games subject to black-outs). We are also interested to know that they will all be compatible with Roku’s upcoming Channel Store, which will add a wide variety of new content partners Posted by Brian Mahony on October 27, 2009 at 8:00am View Brian Mahony's blog
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Texas: The Next Solar Superpower?
Because of that "old energy" reputation, many overlook the state's leadership in the green revolution. Since 2006, when it overtook California, Texas has installed more wind capacity than any other state. At the end of April, Texas had more wind power installed than the next five leading states combined (Iowa, California, Minnesota, Washington and Oregon). The startling pace of installation over the last decade has meant that enough wind turbines to generate 9,000 megawatts of power should be online by the end of this year. If we once again consider Texas its own nation, its installed wind capacity is surpassed by only a handful of other countries in the world.
Read the full article and find out why solar is the future in Texas >
Acro introduces SunRun, the most affordable option in solar
Follow SolarSecurity on Twitter!
REC Solar and SunRun Team Up to Offer Colorado Residents a New and Affordable Way to Go Solar
"We've been thinking about going solar for some time, but we were hindered by the upfront costs," said Peter. "Even with utility incentives from Xcel Energy and federal tax credits, the costs were just too high in this poor economy, so we were really pleased and excited when this lease alternative became available."
Through the REC Solar and SunRun program, homeowners pay as little as $1,000 for a one-time system installation fee, and then pay a low, monthly bill to have solar energy at home. REC Solar provides all upfront service and installation services, including customized design, engineering, installation and electrical work. REC Solar was one of SunRun's original partners, beginning with a joint program in California in 2008.
Monday, November 9, 2009
LTE vs. WiMAX - A Contest or Not?
LTE vs WiMAX: A Little 4G Sibling Rivalry
The level of openness of the 802.16m standard means WiMax equipment is standard and therefore cheaper to buy — sometimes half the cost of LTE and sometimes even less. Depending on the spectrum alloted for WiMax deployments and how the network is configured, this can mean a WiMax network is cheaper to build.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Diagnosis: Health Insurance Reform Follow the Money
A Solar Bill of Rights
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
"In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned find themselves equipped to live in a world which no longer exist
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Cable Television Marketing Keywords
Friday, October 16, 2009
Download the FaceBook Marketing Kit with a How-To Video and Instructional eBook
Don't know where to start? Download this free kit to learn how to get started with Twitter and use it to help your company get found online!
How to use facebook for business
Thursday, October 15, 2009
How to Profit From Your Passion Write a blog Cultivate Facebook friends Tweet You know you have to do all this. Why?
How individuals can build a personal "brand" and build a following while doing what they love. The new tools of social media are mystifying to many--and enriching to a few. One of the new social-media impresarios is Gary Vaynerchuk, founder of WineLibraryTV. Vaynerchuk used the Web to turn a sleepy New Jersey liquor store into a $60 million business, and his consulting firm, Vayner Media, advises companies on how to harness the power of social media without the hard selling that turns off customers. Vaynerchuk's new book, Crush It: Why Now Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion
What's the revolutionary difference with videos? It's not that I put up the videos themselves. It's what I did in the next 15 hours after the videos went up, which is get my hands dirty, get in the trenches of the new social Web. That was prior to Twitter, and Facebook was a college thing, so I wasn't going to be pushing wine on college kids. I used blogs, wine forums; I became active because selling a store in those communities felt too pitchy. Becoming a content producer as part of those forums felt much more natural. I'd start talking about zinfandel instead of trying to sell zinfandel.
Talk about that. There's this impression that if you simply create a blog or open a Twitter account, people will suddenly discover you. I agree. "Oh, I got a Twitter account!" Well, what do you want, a cookie? The biggest fundamental belief I have is that you have to work ridiculously hard. To be an entrepreneur, to build your own business, you're not working for the man.
Some people think Twitter and other sites like that are overrated. Twitter, Tumblr, etc. get credit for what they don't deserve because it's really the Internet as a whole. It's the continuation of these sites that matters. On the Web, everything is going to get quicker and easier. There will be massive segmentation. I don't think people understand how this will happen. There could be 10 different people in wine, like the Pinot Grigio Hour. I'm hoping that Crush It will garner enough excitement to help people understand this.
Read the full article:
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
if you only have time for one clue this year, this is the one to get...
Read the Bumper Sticker "The clue train stopped there four times a day for ten years and they never took delivery." — Veteran of a firm now free-falling out of the Fortune 500
These markets are conversations. Their members communicate in language that is natural, open, honest, direct, funny and oftenshocking. Whether explaining or complaining, joking or serious, the human voice is unmistakably genuine. It can't be faked.Most corporations, on the other hand, only know how to talk in the soothing, humorless monotone of the mission statement, marketing brochure,and your-call-is-important-to-us busy signal. Same old tone, same old lies. No wonder networked markets have no respect for companies unable or unwilling to speak as they do. But learning to speak in a human voice is not some trick, nor will corporations convince us they are human with lip service about "listening to customers." They will only sound human when they empower real human beings speakon their behalf. While many such people already work for companies today, most companies ignore their ability to deliver genuine knowledge, opting instead to crank out sterile happy talk that insults the intelligence of markets literally too smart to buy it. However, employees are getting hyperlinked even as markets are. Companies need to listen carefully to both. Mostly, they need to get out of the way so intranetworked employees can converse directly with internetworked markets. Corporate firewalls have kept smart employees in and smart markets out. It's going to cause real pain to tear those walls down. But the result will be a new kind of conversation. And it will be the most exciting conversation business has ever engaged in. Download the pdf
Tumblr a new form of blogging known as "tumblelogging" combines text, photos, and video in a stream
Tumblr is a blogging platform that allows users to post text, images, video, links, quotes, and audio to their tumblelog, a short-form blog. Users are able to "follow" other users and see their posts together on their dashboard. Users can like or reblog other blogs on the site. The service emphasizes customizability and ease of use.
Monday, October 12, 2009
First rule in roadside beet sales
The second rule in roadside beet sales – is you DO NOT talk about roadside beet sales.
It must be the reason that so many twitter profiles use pictures of scantly clad women!
The question has been asked more times then I care to count: “How do I promote my blog, resume or website?”
My answer: “One link, post and article at a time…”
It’s not sexy, it's not a magic system, it’s not a quick fix, it’s not a secret URL that you submit to and the rest is done for you. I’m sorry – I have no secrets for you – I wish that I did. The only way that I know how to make your blog or website a success is “one article and post at a time”. I will say that I think there’s more to this answer than meets the eye. The answer actually consists of two parts – that’s what we’ll look at in this article.
#1 Have a structured plan (read my white paper). Build a systematic process that grows engagement and exposure. The entire process is outlined in my free white paper. The pieces are all free as well and it doesn't take a background in web programming to build (and better yet it's all free). The key is each piece builds on itself creating exposure and linking together like a perpetual motion machine.
#2 It doesn't matter if you're promoting a product, ezine, blog, e-book, resume, affiliate program (or whatever); without constant're doomed from the start. So, what's your approach to getting the word out -- search engines. . .FFA links. . .sit and wait, google keywords?
Want a better idea. How about getting your name in front of hundreds of thousands of people each month for free?
There's one catch. It requires 30 minutes of your time everyday.
I'm not talking about submitting to search engines, posting online ads, or using free for all sites.
The technique I'm referring to is 100 times more effective and doesn't cost you a cent.
So what's the secret?
Writing articles, visiting and posting to blogs similar to yours, publish...publish...publish.
The concept is simple. First, you write an article about a topic that you feel comfortable with. Then, you blast the article out to other ezines, post to blogs and request that they publish it.
Ezine publishers are always on the lookout for fresh and interesting content. The best part is, some of these ezines have upwards of 50,000 subscribers who will read your articles.
You could easily spend a hundred bucks or more on a one-time ezine ad or for google ads. Or, Simply write an article, and get your "ad" published for free.
Start by submitting your article to a few article directories. Altogether, these directories receive millions of hits each month. Here are a few to get you started: (groups)
Next, visit various online Ezine Directories, Groups and locate a few topics in your target market. Contact each ezine editor or group manager (by sending them a PERSONALIZED e-mail and commenting on their posts) and request that they run your posts and help get you some exposure.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Social Media 101
One of the best uses of social media for business is being able to monitor your brand.
Social Media Tips Kodak document for employees
3 Great Social Media Policies to Steal From
Masked Man Avoids Speeding Ticket Fines If The Speed Camera Can't See Your Face, Is It A Crime?
A Google Directory of social networks:
Proven online marketing system to promote your product, yourself or website using web 2.0 strategies and its all free
Slideshow: The 25 Biggest Tech Blunders of the Last 25 Years Click for Show Trender Research™ is a consumer technology market research firm that combines expert analysis with the voice of everyday people.
New Over the Top (OTT) Video Study: Trender Research Predicts 7 Percent of Households Will “Cut the Cord” on Pay TV Subscriptions by 2012
The tru2way® platform, formerly known as the OpenCable™ Application Platform (aka OCAP™)
The tru2way® platform, formerly known as the OpenCable™ Application Platform (aka OCAP™), promises to dramatically increase cable’s capability to create and deploy an array of exciting new interactive services for consumers.
© Panasonic
Tru2way technology establishes a common software platform that enables cable companies, network programmers, consumer electronics companies and others to extend interactivity to television and many other devices. With the technology comes an array of new business and revenue opportunities.
I solve Business, Revenue, Growth and Competitive challenges for CEO’s.
Strategic Planning and Innovation consulting: Building Competitive Advantage, Product Development Placement, Introducing companies to opportunities and key contacts. Foremost competitive specialist at What's next strategic planning and innovation - Recruiting and Coaching - Executive Agent. What is Digital Culture? What's Next?
Strategic Planning and Innovation - Recruiting and Coaching - Cable Television, Digital Video, High Speed Internet, Digital Voice, Platforms, Content, Technology: Web 2.0 Development, Alt Energy, FiOS, U-verse, Capital Markets
The power of innovation, the strength and stamina of a marathon runner
I will be posting white papers so please check back and request the ones you would like me to send back to you:
>"Building Competitive Advantage"
>"Superior Value Proposition"
>"Making Your Competition Irrelevant"
>"The Learning Organization"
>"Digital Culture"
Field Experience: Cable Operations, Content and Marketing, Service Provider Competitive Ecosystems
As you can see, I have a very interesting and exciting background
Recently, I was responsible for all products, sales, marketing and programming Time Warner Cable Texas
The deployments of digitalphone in Texas along with operation "WarpSpeed" lead to some of the highest 'Triple Play" penetrations and revenue
Another interesting product that I worked on and deployed was the Road Runner SpeedZone
While in product development, I lead the DVR field trials in Chatsworth California
Later at Time Warner Cable, I lead the in-house consumer research and strategic planning team out of Denver
Early in my career I ran one of the first impulse interactive 2-way addressable cable systems in Portland, Oregon
How long does a new idea live in corporate America today?
Monday, October 5, 2009
Jeff Henry is currently the managing partner of What's Next Strategic Planning and Innovation. Prior to his current position, he spent 20 years in senior executive roles with Time Warner Cable where he served most recently as The Regional Vice President of Marketing and Sales for Texas with responsibility for more than 2.2m customers and $2.5b in annual revenues. He led the competitive strategy for Time Warner Cable and has first hand experience with FiOS, U-verse, DirecTV and DishNetwork. While serving on the front lines in the battle against the BOCs, he also worked on initial deployments of DVR, StartOver, Digital Video, Digital Voice, and the Pivot JV. He is a 29-year veteran of the cable television industry and lives with his wife in San Antonio Texas.